BugZero found this defect 2733 days ago.
Internal activity in the config server can lead to writes that advance operationTime, which can cause causal_consistency_shell_support.js to fail when it asserts that read commands don't advance operationTime. This check should be removed since there is no way to either prevent or ignore these writes. This is the same base problem as SERVER-29111, but is triggered less frequently, only failing in suites with either more CSRS activity or that run more slowly (I've seen failues in sharding-auth and the continuous stepdown suite).
xgen-internal-githook commented on Tue, 16 Jan 2018 21:52:02 +0000: Author: {'email': 'jack.mulrow@mongodb.com', 'name': 'Jack Mulrow', 'username': 'jsmulrow'} Message: SERVER-30671 Don't expect operationTime to not change in causal_consistency_shell_support.js (cherry picked from commit 1b3d16dc0ecfac35dbbf945a3a9f6a8cdd3226f7) Branch: v3.6 https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/commit/b7656403b0ba229ccbe45ebc5506218eef8f5411 xgen-internal-githook commented on Fri, 1 Dec 2017 18:06:11 +0000: Author: {'name': 'Jack Mulrow', 'username': 'jsmulrow', 'email': 'jack.mulrow@mongodb.com'} Message: SERVER-30671 Don't expect operationTime to not change in causal_consistency_shell_support.js Branch: master https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/commit/1b3d16dc0ecfac35dbbf945a3a9f6a8cdd3226f7