BugZero found this defect 3453 days ago.
SQL Transaction Log Backup status on a job displays the following warning: Failed to prepare guest for SQL transaction log backup Details: <Other Job> is responsible for SQL transaction logs backup
Veeam Backup & Replication is designed only to allow one Backup Job to be responsible for a server's log backup. This is done to prevent possible restore issues. To prevent another job from attempting to take over the log backup process, there is a 7 day timeout in which the job currently responsible for the log backup must not run.
If the job throwing the warning is not intended to manage the server's log backup operations, edit the backup job and disable the log backup function for that VM. If you are migrating the responsibility of log backup from one job to another job, disable log backup in the old job and then review the three options below: Option 1: Wait Wait for the 7-day timeout to pass and the new job will then be able to backup the logs.The timer will start from the last day the VM was processed by the old job. Option 2: Change The Timeout Change the TimeOut to a lower setting with the following registry values on the Veeam Backup Server.*No Reboot required.Key Location: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup and Replication\Value Name: SqlBackupLogsAgeDaysToSkipLogBackupValue Type: DWORD (32-bit) ValueValue Data Default: 7 Where 'x' is the number of days. Note: Log truncate will be skipped for a VM if there are SQL logs of this VM collected in the last X day (defined in the registry as value SqlBackupLogsAgeDaysToSkipTruncate/default is 7) by another existing job. Option 3: Delete all Log Backups created by the Old Job Note: This option will remove all transaction/archive logs for the SQL /Oracle VMs in that backup set that were collected after the most recent restore point was created. You will still have point-in-time restores for all restore points leading up to the most recent backup.