BugZero found this defect 3713 days ago.
License updating may fail if the machine where the Veeam software is installed does not have a direct connection to the Internet and must instead connect to the Internet via an HTTP proxy. For example, when this occurs with Veeam Backup & Replication, the Svc.VeeamBackup.log shows either of the following errors: Connection error: The remote name could not be resolved: 'autolk.veeam.com' (System.Exception) Invalid answer received from https://vbr.butler.veeam.com: possible proxy server configuration issues
Proxy settings within Internet Options are configured per user. While the account you are logged in as may be able to access the internet through the proxy, the backup service account may not have access if that account hasn't had its internet connection settings configured.
WinInet vs WinHTTP Proxy Settings The Proxy settings within Internet Options configure proxy usage for WinInet connections. Some commands used by Veeam's software utilizes WinHTTP, which must be configured as documented in KB3090.
The Proxy settings within Internet Options configure proxy usage for WinInet connections. Some commands used by Veeam products use WinHTTP, which must be configured as documented in KB3090.