BugZero found this defect 4175 days ago.
When performing a Windows FLR. the drive letters listed in the Backup Browser do not reflect those of the original server.
This occurs when the drive that contains the SYSTEM registry hive of the guest VM was not part of the backup process. The SYSTEM registry hive is used to correlate disk ID to drive letter. The Svc.VeeamMount.log will contain the entry: SYSTEM registry hive was not found on any of mounted disks.
To resolve this issue, SYSTEM hive must be included in the restore point. The default location of the SYSTEM hive is C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM Scenario 1: Disk Exclusions If VM disk exclusions were configured, add the disk representing the C:\ to the list of disks to be processed. Note: If adding the disk containing the C:\ drive is a concern due to it's size and content, consider using Guest OS File Exclusions to instead control which drives and/or folders are backed up. Scenario 2: Guest OS File Exclusions If Guest OS File Exclusions were configured, add C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM to the list of files to be included.