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This article provides links to vendor-provided best practices documents and vendor-specific configuration advice found in the Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide. It also offers general recommendations for configuring Veeam Backup & Replication jobs and repositories when utilizing deduplication storage. By default, the Veeam Backup & Replication settings are primarily optimized for non-deduplication storage. These default settings may have performance impacts or limit the effectiveness of deduplication storage. Specifically, the default configuration may not allow deduplication storage to fully leverage its native compression and deduplication capabilities, resulting in suboptimal space-saving benefits.
Best Practices for Dell PowerProtect DataDomain Best Practices for Exagrid Best Practices for HPE StoreOnce Best Practices for Quantum DXi
Dell Data Domain > Limitations and Recommendations ExaGrid > Requirements and Recommendations Fujitsu ETERNUS CS800 > Backup Job Configuration HPE StoreOnce > Limitations and Recommendations Infinidat InfiniGuard > Backup Job Configuration Quantum DXi > Backup Job Configuration
Step 1: Create backups on the first site with short-term and long-term retention. Use a backup target storage system (general-purpose storage system) for short-term primary backups and instruct Veeam to copy the backups to a deduplication storage system for long-term retention. A variant of this approach is to use a standard server with a battery-backed RAID controller and disks to store the primary backups (cache approach) and use the backup copy to deduplication storage systems for long-term retention. Step 2: Add offsite target. In addition to the above scenarios, you can create an offsite copy of your data using the following options. 1. Place deduplication storage at the second site. Use the Veeam backup copy job to create the secondary offsite backup from the primary backup. 2. Place deduplication storage on both sides: 3. Place deduplication storage on the primary side and use object storage or tape on the second site. Use Veeam backup to tape jobs or Veeam scale-out backup repository cloud tier (connection to object storage) to store data offsite. The scenario above reflects general best practices. Please get in touch with your deduplication storage vendor for further guidance and check the vendor links provided above for additional usable scenarios with the specific storage.