Operational Defect Database

BugZero updated this defect 3 days ago.

Palo Alto Networks | PAN-186995

Fixed an issue where the command to show IP address tags for Dynamic Address Groups displayed the error start-point should be equal to or between 1 and 100000 even when the maximum registered IP address limit was greater than 100,000. With this fix, the show command will display IP address tags up to the correct maximum limit.

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Affected products:

Pan OS

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Fixed releases:



The earliest recollection of this bug is traced back to PAN-OS 10.1.7 - May 31, 2024. This bug is fixed in PAN-OS versions 10.1.7. Fixed an issue where the command to show IP address tags for Dynamic Address Groups displayed the error start-point should be equal to or between 1 and 100000 even when the maximum registered IP address limit was greater than 100,000. With this fix, the show command will display IP address tags up to the correct maximum limit. For more information: https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/10-1/pan-os-release-notes/pan-os-10-1-7-known-and-addressed-issues/pan-os-10-1-7-addressed-issues

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