Operational Defect Database

BugZero found this defect 809 days ago.

Veeam | kb4308

My Account Portal "Recovery email for case contact" Guide

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The Recovery email for case contact is a feature within the My Account portal that allows each customer to assign an additional email address which will be CC'd on all emails sent by Veeam Support from a case. This additional email address does not have to be associated with the customer's company email domain and can be a third-party free email address.   Note: The Recovery email for case contact cannot be used as an alternate email address to login into the My Account portal, nor can it be used to recover access to a My Account portal account. That functionality is available using the "attach social account" feature, which allows a customer to sign in to their Veeam My Account using their social account credentials.


A Recovery email for case contact can be: Assigned within the account settings and apply to all active and future cases.

Considerations and Limitations

Only a single email address may be specified as the "Recovery email for case contact" or "Additional contact."  When the "Additional Contact" input box is submitted, the text will be parsed, and only the first email detected will be added as the "Additional Contact" for that case. Customers can remove the additional contact assigned to a case using the "Update additional contact" and update it with a blank field.

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