BugZero found this defect 4934 days ago.
No performance data regarding VMware objects is available in SCOM, or gaps or dotted lines are visible in Performance views.
If the collection is configured correctly, but performance data is missing from the Operations Manager console, the issue may be related to the Health Service's configuration. The collector sends a significant amount of data to the Health Service - more than it normally receives when configured to monitor just the node where the Health Service is deployed. As a result, it is necessary to configure the Health Service to have additional space set aside to receive the incoming data from the collector. Without these adjustments, the Health Service can become overwhelmed, and the cache may need to be cleared.
Below are the steps to configure either of two ways to configure the agent: automated (available since version 5.5) or manual Automated Configuration of the Health Service Run the task for each collector system in your environment. This task is included in Veeam Management Pack and sets the registry entries for OpsMgr agent or Management Server to maximize efficiency when processing large data volumes as a proxy. The task name and location have changed between versions of the Management Pack, so the instructions are specific to the version that you have installed: Version 6.x and later After discovery of collector services is complete in Ops Mgr, you should see the collector servers listed under the Veeam Collector s > _Veeam Collectors view. The task should run automatically when the collector is installed, but to run it again at any time later with the following instructions: Open the Monitoring pane of OpsMgr console. Select the Veeam for VMware > Veeam Collectors > _Veeam Collectors view. Select the collector system. From the Actions pane, select task Veeam VMware Collector Service Tasks > Configure Health Service Run this task against each collector system. Note: The task will cause the Health Service to restart. Also, the values (listed below) are the default base values. If the values in the registry are already higher than the ones associated with the task, they will not be lowered by the task. In addition, you may increase these values by editing the parameters before running the task, if it is necessary to increase these values beyond the default.
Please note that if the OpsMgr agent on any Collector server is repaired or reinstalled, then the above task should be run again.